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Video Curriculum for Classrooms

Bring The Robot Garage curriculum to your school.  Your students will be thrilled and your teachers will be too. For 10 years we’ve been teaching robotics and game design/coding in-person to thousands of PK-8 students.  We’ve become a favorite field trip and assembly destination, and have been awarded substantial grants to provide services to underserved schools.  We are now able to offer two of our most popular programs to schools anywhere in the country, regardless of location, through our new guided video program.


Do any of these problems exist at your school?


  • We own LEGO WeDo kits but don’t know what to do with them

  • Our teachers are not confident in their robotics and coding skills

  • There’s nobody in our area trained to teach these content areas

  • We’d like to start a robotics team but don’t know where to start

  • We don’t have a robust enough curriculum to teach more than a few class periods in these areas


The Robot Garage provides a sustainable solution to these problems:

  • Video lessons pre-recorded by experts

  • Video timestamps so lessons can be broken into multiple time slots

  • Professional development to develop teacher’s confidence and proficiency in coding and robotics

  • Our videos lead the class while teachers facilitate the hands-on projects

  • Up to 18 months of NGSS aligned curriculum for grades PK-8

  • Designed to let teachers and students share the fun of discovery & success

  • An “aha” moment at the end of each lesson

Robot Academy, Jr. Curriculum (Grades 1-3)

These guided video classes lead students through engaging, hands-on robotics projects to develop mechanical engineering and coding skills. Each lesson is designed to ignite an interest in this area, reinforce fundamental concepts, and most importantly, build confidence through success.  Lessons are divided into 3 sections (mechanical building with LEGO Technic, Coding with LEGO WeDO 2.0, and post-lesson activities which challenge students to further explore their robots. Curriculum aligns with NGSS, as well as FIRST LEGO League Explore, and is based on the success of The Robot Garage Robot Academy, Jr. program which has been taught for years, to thousands of young students.  

​Pilot Programs starting at $2950


Scratch Game Design Curriculum (Grades 2-5)

These guided video classes lead students through engaging, hands-on game development projects. Each lesson is designed to ignite an interest in coding, reinforce higher-level concepts, and most importantly, build confidence through success. Lessons are divided into 2 sections (step-by-step coding, and post-lesson activities which challenge students to further explore what they’ve designed. The curriculum is aligned with NGSS, and is based on the success of The Robot Garage Scratch program which has been taught for years, to thousands of young students.

​Pilot Programs starting at $975


©2025 The Robot Garage

Programs, curriculum, and syllabus contained within are property of The Robot Garage Inc. which has the sole right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, transmit, or transform this work. These programs are not authorized, sponsored, or endorsed by the LEGO® Group. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Prices and dates are subject to change.

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